Building the New Christendom


Recover the Anti-Feminist Theology of the Reformers with Pastor Zachary Garris

Calvin. Luther. Knox. Vermigli. In recent years, the Reformed world has seen a resurgence of interest in recovering the doctrinal work of these men and others from the shadows of centuries gone by. This work of retrieval often requires courage, as we modern heirs of the Reformers inevitably discover that some of what we thought to be “Reformed” proved to be theological novelty in the face of the primary sources. We often discover that 19th- and 20th-century social movements and cultural pressures have successfully smuggled their ideas into the bedrock of our thinking.

Is there a clearer example of this phenomenon than the effect of the feminist movement on the doctrine and practice of the Protestant church?

The goal of this book is to introduce the reader to the Reformed theology of the family and to contrast this theology with deviations among modern Protestant churches, particularly those who claim ties to the Reformed tradition. After studying our Reformed forefathers on the family and male rule in the home, the church, and the commonwealth, Christians must consider whether the modern church’s departure from the teaching of these men has been more faithful to the Bible and has produced a more orderly society. Our spiritual forefathers would certainly say no.

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  • The King's Hall

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