A new book from the creators of the award-winning podcast, Haunted Cosmos

What about what you can’t see? What about those things that can’t be touched, measured, quantified, put under a microscope, or captured through the aperture of a telescope? What if there are things out there, Things beyond things—unnamed, unthinkable, unknown? What if the world isn’t just stuff?

Now, to be sure, there is lots of stuff. Wild, spinning stuff. Big stuff. Mountains and oceans and solar systems and galaxies of stuff. There’s small stuff—tiny, swarming microbes and flinging, buzzing atoms; quarks and leptons and stuff we haven’t even figured out yet. What a world!

But what if I told you that there’s another world; a world beyond sight and senses, beyond the mere natural—but a world no less real? A world of phantasms and fearful things; a world haunted with the supernatural? Make no mistake, it’s out there—and you will be made to reckon with it before the end. 

This world is glorious and cursed. It is fallen, and it is being redeemed. It is a world unfolding at the decree of a great Storyteller, the Arch-Playwright—God’s epic tale of angels and demons, Nephilim and Noahic floods, gardens and cataclysms. This story has dragons, and not just out at the ragged edges of the map. No, real ones—the fire-breathing, people-eating kind. You live in a world at war, with dark shades trying to scheme you into the very pit, and so a world where you will need to keep a ready sword.

This is a book about that world, both the seen and the unseen parts. It’s a book aimed at helping you play your part as what you are: an immortal image-bearer of the divine, fighting and striving and glorying in this great story into which you have been written.

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Brian Sauvé serves as Pastor of Preaching and Liturgy at Refuge Church in Ogden, Utah. In the course of his work as a prolific podcaster, songwriter, musician, and instigator, he has also helped found New Christendom Press, Saint Brendan’s Classical Christian Academy, and Talking Beast Records. He and his wife Lexy have seven children so far and a very good time.

Benjamin Garrett lives in Ogden, Utah with his wife and children. He fills his days with ministry at Refuge Church, writing and producing the award-winning podcast Haunted Cosmos, and wandering through the halls of the medieval mind in search of old truths and hidden glories.